Nothing is certain in the world of social media. Barely a day goes by without another scaremongering headline that claims Facebook could disappear next year. Although this sort of happening is perhaps extremely unlikely, it is nonetheless better to try and utilize the platform for gaining followers and subscribers to your other outlets, and that includes your email subscriber list.
WebMarketingToday have produced a table that does definitely show some quite alarming figures concerning Facebook’s organic reach, which has indeed dropped to single digits for a lot of pages, and there really isn’t any hope of that reach ever coming back to its earlier levels. Now that there is so much more competition, Facebook, unfortunately is beginning to seem a bit like old hat for a lot of people, and so it is essential that you keep trying to expand your market reach in as many innovative ways as you possible can.
While there are many ways and indeed many articles that have been written on the subject of increasing Facebook page views and organic reach, the focus of this article shall be a little different, in that firstly I want to show you how you can convert your Facebook fans into email subscribers, and secondly how you can turn your email subscribers into Facebook fans.
Here we go.
Converting Facebook Fans Into Email Subscribers
1. Add a Sign Up Form To Your Facebook Page
Whilst this may seem obvious – are you doing it? If you’re not, then you will be missing out on subscriptions most definitely. What you will be doing is essentially adding an op-in form to your Facebook page. How to do this should be explained by your email service provider. It is no secret that Facebook is extremely valuable to businesses like yours, and, as such, almost all of them have made adding a form like this to your page very easy to do.
2. Host A Competition Or Give Away
By finding the perfect giveaway item, many social media marketers have managed to increase their email subscribers by the thousand very quickly indeed. Don’t be generic with your item either, be it for a giveaway or as a prize for a competition. The trick is to pick a product that only your ideal email subscribers could possibly want.
To do something like this with the aim of capturing the information of email subscribers then you really want to look to use an online tool such as Heyo. This really is a very impressive tool. It can run Facebook competitions or promotions, and create landing pages. What is more, these things can all be set up in a matter of minutes and it integrates extremely well with most email service providers, and looks great on mobile handsets.
3. Make Sure That The Link To Your Site Goes Directly To Your Landing Page That Has Been Specially Designed TO Capture Visitors’ Information
When you write your About box on your Facebook page, you will of course be linking back to your site. Don’t however, just send users directly to your homepage if you are hoping to capture leads. Instead, it is to a specially designed landing page that you want to direct your potential subscribers.
A customized landing page will increase your opt-ins considerably. Landing pages are designed primarily for the purpose of gaining subscribers, and therefore should always be very simple and contain no navigation links that direct visitors to other pages on your site. However, you will of course need to include a means for these visitors to escape your landing page to your site should they want to – if you try and force the issue you’ll only irritate people and they will leave never to return.
Converting Email subscribers Into Social Followers
1. Add Social Links To Your Confirmation Page
Attaining social followers is a much harder task than improving your social following. As such, those who you have managed to persuade to sign up to your emails are very likely to want to be your social fans as well – all you need to do is make it very easy and obvious for them to become so.
So, add the social buttons to the confirmation page, and configure them so that all people have to is click to become followers. Couldn’t be simpler.
2. Include Incentives in Your Email Campaigns
Some people will always need a little extra persuasion when it comes to signing up for anything. They like to get something in return other than your top notch content, of course. So, in your emails, include links that insight extra engagement, such as “like us on Facebook to receive special bargains” or “follow us on Twitter for details on our next competition”. This really will make a difference.
3. Include Social Links in All Of Your Emails
This is just common sense, but very good practice;. You won’t ever convert your email subscribers into social followers without providing them with the tools for doing so. Make sure that the buttons that you use are well placed and form the primary parts of your design and content – the last thing that you want is for people not to notice them.
Follow all of the above tips and you will find that both you social following and email list start to grow in conjunction with one another. This is the very best practice for your social media marketing campaigns, as you can never have channels through which you want to promote your products. And, the more channels you have, the more fans and subscribers you will enjoy.
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