It doesn’t matter whether you’re blogging out of pure pleasure or you’re trying to make a living out of it – this is a profession that demands a high level of digital literacy. In other words, you have to use the right writing and productivity tools in order to produce better content as efficiently as possible.
Are you looking for tools that will make a huge difference in the quality and quantity of content you produce? Check out the following suggestions:
- WordPress App for iPhone and iPad
Isn’t it weird that the best ideas hit you when you least expect them? Your mind works wonderfully when you’re taking a walk or waiting in line. In such case, you usually write notes in your smartphone app. You can do something better: write an entire draft in WordPress app.
This app is also cool because it enables you to manage your blog on the go, so you can not only create and edit posts but you can also moderate comments, upload media, and view stats.
Before you even start writing a new post, you have to be aware of the trends. Thanks to Storify, you can see what people on the Internet are talking about. In addition to collecting articles and opinions on any topic, you can also use the tool for adding reliability to your posts. Storify will help you prove a point through third-party content and comments.
Do you waste too much time looking for the right image to accompany a certain piece of content? You don’t like paying for stock photos? Why don’t you try PhotoPin? This tool offers a great collection of free creative commons photos. You also get the attribution link in HTML, so you can easily use it at your blog.
When you find yourself struggling with a certain post or task for a client, the pressure is high because you have to complete it under any circumstances. Assignment Masters is a great service that can help you deal with the problem: it connects you with professional writers from several areas of study. You can collaborate with the writer to complete any type of content.
In addition, this service offers editing, formatting, and proofreading services that will increase the quality of your content.
The goal of achieving greater popularity in the online world depends upon the links and shares you get on your content. Thus, you have to make it easy for all readers to share your articles by clicking a single button. With DiggDigg, you can add social sharing buttons for several social media platforms that are popular among your target audience.
You can leave the share bar static, but you can also make it “floating” – it will move alongside the page as your readers scroll up and down. You can make it horizontal or vertical, so you can easily adjust it to the aesthetics of your site.
This is one of the most important productivity tools a digital professional could ever use. It allows you to create different channels between several platforms you usually use. For example, you can set IFTTT to send out a promotional tweet or Facebook update at the same time you publish a new blog post. The tool works great with 277 services, so you’ll certainly find a recipe that works for you.
Here are some popular IF recipes that can save you time:
- Share Instagram pics as native Twitter photos;
- Share new links you post on Facebook to Twitter;
- Tweet your Facebook status updates;
- Tweet my WordPress blog posts, and more.
If it’s difficult for you to achieve ultimate productivity, it’s time to start using the Pomodoro technique, which recommends working session of 25 minutes followed by short 5-minute breaks. Then, you go back to work for 25 minutes and take another short break.
Focus Booster, an online tool based on the Pomodoro technique, encourages you to fight distractions and stay focused during the working sessions. You won’t be able to access distracting websites, so you’ll make sure to do as much work as possible before getting your well-deserved short break.
Are you ready to start writing much more effectively? Thanks to the 7 blogging tools listed above, you’ll discover a whole new productivity potential.
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